Thursday, September 13, 2012

Drs. Drs. and more Drs. and The Night with the kids

I decided I would start this blog to help me with my terrible memory and give me a place to vent. I might not post very often but I hope to use it more than I think I will. I have been going to different Drs. for a while now trying to figure out what is going on with my body since I had the kids. I have been sent to so many different Drs. who know there is something wrong but can't find it. I am getting so very frustrated! I went to my Endochrinologist today and while I was there I was dripping sweat but Freezing to the touch (which I always do). My Dr. was shocked at how cold I felt but how much I was sweating since he thought putting me on the Metformin for the Insulin Resistance would take care of my Hormone issues. Now he is doing another 24 hour urine test and more blood work next week to check more hormone levels. He also wants me to go back to my Neurologist and have another test done cause he thinks it is something wrong with my Nervous System. Is this ever going to end? Are they ever going to figure out what the problem is before I go crazy? Lets hope! I Pray that these tests are the answers to my prayers and I can finally feel NORMAL Again!            

Tonight me and Reese had leftovers and Drake wanted Pizza Rolls as usual so I wanted us to all eat together at the table and Drake threw a fit... He wanted to watch TV and Eat in his Room like he gets to lots of times (since I rarely have supper ready when he wants to eat plus he never wants what I fix). I am very Proud of myself though I DID NOT GIVE IN! He finally stopped crying and we had supper together! I really Hate not eating together every night but with Jason on 2nd shift he is not here to eat so usually I feed the kids and I eat later once I get the supper done. Drake is very picky lately anyway he wants to eat what he wants when he wants it and he is on a kick of Hot Dogs for Lunch/Supper, Pizza Rolls Lunch/Supper, Chicken Fries/French Fries or chips for Lunch/Supper, Hamburger (aka Krabby Patty)/French Fries or chips. He really likes eating Fruit, and Yogurt, and drinking Chocalate Shakes (aka PediaSure) so he does get nutrients along with his vitamin.

Both the kids are getting so Big and Reese is so Funny! Drake has always been Funny also but he is getting to where he really likes to Push my Buttons!  I guess this is all I will post for now. If anybody reads this and has any Good Scheduling and Organizing Suggestions that would help my house run smoother that would be Great... I can use all the help I can get lately.

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